Here was fought the battle of Blackadder. Many a peasant was slain this day, much attributed to the elves, but the Prince would say otherwise! He slayed hundreds of them! Anyway, my Blackadder TV show reference is somewhat off, Rysm might glean a peek into that episode and how it compares to this battle. To the right are the Brets, seemingly more numerous than the poor elves! But I did have two units in the buildings, one scout unit in the closest, and a waywatcher unit in the building on the right. They impacted the battle very little. My bowmen are hiding at the bottom left of the screen in the forest, with a spellsinger even deeper in there. For future reference that grey building is 24 inches from the hill with the trebuchet, not that anyone is counting. (inside joke)

This battle was magic heavy, and when I say that I mean we took our Lords as casters, with one additional caster required. Since my magic is anything but, offensive. I took a level 3, threw glamourweave on him and a mount - waste. The one good thing about this lord is that he took the wand of the Wych Elm - allows me to reroll dispel attempts. My level one spellsinger carried two dispel scrolls. I also took a Branchwraith with the level 1 wizard upgrade and cluster of radiants to add an additional dispel die. My dispel dice were up to 7! Good for neutering the Bretonnian magic, maybe not a Dark elf or Chaos magic phase, but a start.

Both the picture above and below are facing each other on the battle field. This is the side my wood elves eventually conquered, but were conquered when it came to the other side. It was a turn or two of staring at each other and the treeman moving himself up in the trees along with my noble. Bowfire was exchanged between the Glade riders and the peasants with each side losing some. Peasant Yeomen found there ways into the middle to bait, and my noble almost bit, and she probably should have because her +3 ward save didnt save the charge she gladly accepted. Don't use leadership dice for armor saves, they will do you wrong. The knights errant smashed into her and then ran into the treeman, who gladly held opened his gnarley arms to his old friends, and then the wardancers pranced into their flank. Dryads moved up to find the skirmishing villien Bill and got within an inch. The next turn they charged the bowmen who fled through another set of knights errant. This led the fear causing dryads into the knights errant, who turned tail and charged (fearlessly) off the table - past the running bowmen. Eventually Bill got his dream and fought the branchwraith mono y tree spirit. To his credit Bill would have hit the wraith, had he got his turn to strike.

Below the Men at Arms move to surround the house in the picture. They heard there were elven women and drink inside. They charged to the building and met with the 7 waywatchers, who themselves were drunk by the shooting rounds that followed, and fought them hardily for the right to the brothel and drink! The battle was fought in initiative order, to the benefit of the armorless extra hand weapon wielding waywatchers. Striking first the waywatchers take down about five men at arms, allowing five to strike back causing no wounds. The peasants take a step back and think about digging under with spoons, before being barreled over by a different kind of forest "spirits".
The battle ended in a draw. With the Bretonnians surrounding their precious trebuchet in the fifth turn and coursing out from it, catiously, to claim another table side. The Elves were routed and had no presence there, and were too far away to bring themselves to bear against the Brets from their now human deprived side of Blackadder. A single scout lived (still not worth the points against a mostly armored foe like brets) The waywatchers also survived the day but should be strung up by their big toes for lousy shooting from such a promising position. Coming soon, the elves regroup to try and gain momentum to push further into Mousillon.
1 comment:
You make this battle seem like it belongs in the history of the American Civil War. I guess I am the North role with most of the loses. :) My guessing on the trebuchet range was crazy. I really enjoyed firing that thing off. Here is to the next battle! Rides brave knights for elves doth march unto our lands!
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