
Shadow Wolves - SW - Godzilla Online

Well, over the years since I was 15-17 I searched the internet for old friends from a game we use to play together on GameStorm called Godzilla Online. It was a small group of gamers in the larger GameStorm community. I was befriended by some guys there and they were part of the clan SW, or Shadow Wolves. Two of the guys names I recall was Juggalo_SW and Quixzilla_SW. I will continue trying to find the rest of the guys, but in the event they might search for me or others, I am planting key words such as: SW, Shadow Wolves, Godzilla Online and Gamestorm, into this blog so maybe on the long shot it will appear in some Google or online search. If any of you guys are out there, its Hannibal_SW. Also some other buddies from the Godzilla Online community were Chrissy, SGT_Rock, and Mitsu.
