Here is another picture of the Squig Herder cake. It is crazy what they can do with some cooked cake batter and some glue. Save me a leg!

My camera died at some point during the wandering of the arena. My cousins, Greg and David, and I participated in the conversion contest. You were given sprues of Chaos Warriors and Space Marines and told to make the best, craziest, whatever your mind could think of and you could glue to a base, model to enter into the competition. I have no idea who won, or what the winning model was comprised of that allowed it to win. After looking at some of the crazy stuff I saw, it must be phoenominal.
We traveled to the scenary make and take and I met my old friend from the bunker Joe Neet. We exchanged some friendly banter and he supplied my cousins and I with some cities of death sprues and we went to town making some buildings. I eagerly made a two storey building to act as a church for the next Warhammer Fantasy battle between myself and a friend. It turned out very well.
My friend Dave and his gaming club was present and totally were hosed out of winning the banner contest. GW usually held the contests until close to the end of the day when most everyone was finished gaming . This year the banner and costume contest were overshadowed by events still ongoing. The time was moved up drastically and many people did not participate in judging the banners or the costumes. Several people with costumes did not even make the contest, which was a shame because they had some very good ones. I will not even touch on, what was suppose to be a seminar, that I attended. Nothing good can come from me talking about, but I will say that I was severely disappointed - and not because I had some super question I wanted answered that would never be, but because nothing came out of that seminar, nothing.
Will I go to Gamesday 2010? Who knows, probably, for $25 I got to enjoy a day out in Baltimore, make some scenary, make a chaos dude, check out some armies, meet up with old friends, maybe make a costume next year, who knows? Bring some friends, split parking costs, smuggle in some snack bars to munch on to cut down on food $$$, and have a good time!
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