The Great Panty Raid was named for the fourth battle of this Warhammer Fantasy Campaign. Between my Wood Elves and Lord Rincewind's Bretonnians. The theme of this battle was to out manuever the opposing army (most likely at dawn or dusk) and attempt to gain the advantage by ravaging the enemies camp. Since I am partial to female characters and elves, and Lord Rincewind had a damsel (and hopefully a couple others at camp haha) we decided to jokingly name this the Panty Raid! Successfully winning the battle would yield lacy plunder to the opposing force! Here follows is my account of the battle.

Above is my armies deployment. Pay no mind to the pegasus knights with my Warhawk rider, she is rather stubborn and thinks she can make mounts of them, she always manages to kill a knight with shooting more than 50% of the time so I don't argue. From Bottom picture to top We have (left to right)
(Sorry about the retardedness of going from bottom to top, the blogger moved them all around and this the third time i've changed the writing to try and fit the pictures!!)
My highborn (lord) Alter kindred with Bow of Loren, Arcane bodkins (no armor save) pageant of shrikes, and briarsheath.
3 warhawk riders
10 GG
Waywatchers deployed in the open more than 12 in away from his army (was gambling here)
GG in the forest
Noble with GW, Helm of the Hunt (HoTH), and Hail of Doom Arrow (HoDA) Alter kindred
8 wardancers
6 Wildriders coming out of camp still carrying win
and farrrr to the right the 5 glade riders.
I wanted to free up some points in this game for another GG unit so I dropped a character. My branchwraith did not come, so I was very light on magic. I knew, and hoped, my friend would be light on the magic. He never uses much of it and I was banking on him taking one damsel to my one level 2 spellsinger (yes I took a level 2 while most would argue take a level 1 instead to save pts)
I rolled treesinging first and i was unahppy because I would have to accept call of the hunt if I rolled it next. I rolled Ariel's Blessing instead, manageable to cast on 3 dice. I took one scroll - didnt need it he never cast anything - and a deepwood sphere. I kept the SS in a wood with the GG knowing he would charge and they would flee out, if he got in the wood he would suffer S5 hits on any model in the wood with my SS, even partially, in my magic phase - plus I could cast treesinging to damage him.

Above is his deployment, Bottom picture to Top one (left to right):
10 Peasant Bowmen (PB)
5 Knights Errant (KE)
10 Skirmishing bowmen
10 more PB
5 Peasant Yeomen infront of the bowmen
9 knights errant (I think)
8 Knights errant with Paladin BSB in it (starting the left of the right picture now)
4 horrid, wretched, dirty pegasus knights (PK)
Lord on a pegasus behind them, just getting his lazy butt up out of the mud.
Trebuchet behind the PK
5 Grail Knights (GK) with damsel level 1 - Lord of Life spell that heals wounds to models.
and of course, the required KoTR unit, who says it needs to be big? Just needs to be, and it is that at 5 models.
Now starts the battle.

Bottom picture is my first movement of my left flank. Glade riders didnt make it out of LoS of the PB and take 3 casaulties on his turn and actually flee back behind the WR. His other shooting is negligible. On my right flank (bottom pic) I fire away with 20 GG, HoDA that only rolls 5 shots, Waywatchers that moved just within 15 inches of his PK to shoot for Killing Blow (KB) 3 warhawk riders fire, and my Highborn fires at his GK killing 1 (lucky 2 Ward Saves). After all the firing he had 1 PK left and I was happy with that because that unit bugs the heck out of me.
On his turn he charges out at my Waywatchers (WW) with his Lord, Pegsus Knight, and Grail Knights - my Waywatchers flee, and I hoped they would roll just over a 6 to get out of flyer range, they rolled an 11 and ran all the way behind the Wardancers. His flyers had to move full distance and are out of position, his GK stop at 8 inches. This is shown in the picture below

Hext his KE charged my GG, they flee and his unit stops just infront of the woods, darn! His BSB KE unit charges my treeman, who is sitting just to the left of this picture in regards to the KE unit and Peasant Yoeman base showing.
I take a play from his handbook and challenge the paladin so the rest of the unit can't hit. We do no wounds to each other! I lose combat, need an 8 stubborn and roll a 9, get run down. There goes the treeman, to his defense he has never broke from the many combats he has fought, so it was inevitable and set his BSB unit up perfectly to receive my WR flank charge and Noble rear charge.

bottom picture is my warhawks murdering the dreaded Trebuchet, in the right hands of someone who guesses guess range weapons like the devil, this is deadly. I am just glad I dont have a horde army and when it does scatter it misses! It didn't manage much this game, and I didnt give it chance. The "Pegsus herder" killed 2 crew, no wounds back, and outnumber sent them packing, I hoped to roll high enough to get off the board and away from his KoTR and I did, see you next WE turn!
In the top picture is my left flank, his right. My dryads charged his PW and wiff, killing one, he fears me but has more models and hits on 6's instead of running. Go figure he manges to kill 1 and outnumbers me. I roll over the 7 I need and my dryads run!! OMG tree forces are having a rough day. They dont get run down but hit my glade riders that turned to face that direction on my turn. They fight next time around and the riders kill two and the horses one, no PB hits so they flee and are caught by my riders, who get to set up for flank charge on the next PB unit!

bottom pic is my battle with the BSB and KE still picking out treeman splinters. The charge yields me about 5 WR wounds and 1 horse, and 4 from the Noble. In all they kill about 5 or 6, not getting hit back. With a banner/warbanner/fank charge, rear, and negating ranks he needs a 2 to stay, with the reroll he fails and they run. Both pursue and the WR hit the side of the KE unit outside the woods, Noble gets 1 inch behind the fleeing unit.
In the top one is just a picture of the dryads running and the GR getting their hands dirty handling some peasant rabble.

This bottom pic shows the WR smashing into the KE flank, they manage to do well in combat again, even the horses, and the unit flees, don't catch them, but charge the next turn and they almost make it out of my units 18 inch charge range - so are destroyed. The lord charges my WW that rally at the table edge, I lose 3 in the fight, fail break test and they run off, Lord holds. GK can just see the last GG on the left and charges only to die in stand and shoot.
The Grail Knight unit was picked off by more lord shots, and the damsel got 1 wound from my pageant of shrikes, this last turn i shot them again and they wounded her, and she rolled her 6 ward save!!! The NERVE! So I took the Glade guard and pummeled them with arrows, doing enough to randomize a wound to her and finish her pretty little self off, and take a GK leaving that lone model left.

Bottom shows the dryads rallying and taking more heat from the PB on the left shooting. Good thing they get -1 for moving and -1 for shooting skirmishers. The Glade riders avenge their fallen friends and charge more peasants, doing some nice spear hits and chase them off, catching the unit.
Top picture just shows his Paladin and unit turning around, they suffer the effects of the Deepwood sphere but live, and even treesinging doesnt do much. My GG move to see them and shoot, only killing maybe 1. But.... The far unit of GG, I wanted to shoot at his lord before committing my Lords arrows. They fire and doe a nice amount of hits, he rolls his armor save and fails 3 out of 5 or 6 of them. No biggie, he has 3 wounds and a 4 up ward save (due to items) and fails ALL three rolls - again. Easy come easy go said the treeman.
The GG finishing him off allowed my lord to pepper his 5 KoTR and kill 2 and u can see where my WR caught his KE in the back of the pic.
After this there was some more maneuvering around his KoTR with my Warhawks and my GR headed back towards camp, WR went to mop up those KoTR and noble headed left to help with the knights stuck in the woods and the PB. My friend had to concede at this point because of family obligations so we ended there. I took some prized banners, damsel "clothing articles", the camp and the day
Highborn: "Will you wear this?"
Princess Ilyara: "In your dreams, buddy."

The End