August is quickly approaching and the time to tune my army for the NOVA Open is dwindling. I managed to finally compose a list that I am 90% comfortable with. I played one game against my long time friend and opponent General with the list. It was a tough game, came down to the end, to one leadership roll that chased his unit off his objective. That roll combined with the rolls that failed to kill my unit on my objective. The victory was slight, but the most I got from this battle was that my army weathered a ton of Imperial Guard fire and was still around.
Now my Sisters have set a date to battle my friends Dark Eldar list. I've seen his army and know I'll be walking into a game of withering fire and facing vehicles that will limit my own army's ability to range them. It will be interesting to see how the new DE army will fight. I can recall several games with my brothers Dark Eldar, who decimated many opponents at the GW Battle Bunker. Those games often saw my sisters on the better end, but times have changed, and so have army books.
I think I prefer to stare down Dark Lances before Heat Lances. I feel much better when someone tries to penetrate on S8 with 1 die, as opposed to S6 on 2 dice. Two dice are much more forgiving than one. I am curious how much shooting he will have and if it will be enough to handle all the vehicles and the armor. Where the guard have large blast templates combined with high strength, I am not sure the Dark Eldar have the same capabilities. I predict more direct fire weapons and a better chance for a larger amount of troops to survive. The DE will bring more combat ready troops and a threat of eliminating my guard, and even sisters in Hand to hand.
I need to take in games at the local hobby store "Your Hobby Place" and get some battles in against the new Grey Knights, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves. All marine armies with new lists and powerful capabilities. I need to read the rules and get down to specifics. What happens to skimmers that turbo boost if they get immobilized? When do you roll for leadership tests? If you are pinned does that overrule a leadership test to flee? Lots of rules taken for granted in friendly games, but facing down a tournament setting it pays to know in advance.
What else needs to be done?
-buy another Exorcist
-Put together Autocannon crews
-Build two more Chimeras
-Work on painting the entire army
-Design a board to carry the army
-Prepare another list incase the Sisters of Battle rules change before August 1st!!! I already know I'll just throw as many sisters in as possible.
Maybe I can get some completed tonight? Asking too much?
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