Whatever the result of her smile, my Sisters of the Burning Blade succeeded in their second preparatory NOVA Open battle. This was against my friends Dark Eldar host consisting of 3 ravagers, one raider with haemocculi with wyches, and several venom craft, some with elites, others with 5 man troops and blasters. My sisters owe much of the battle to the steadfastness of their inducted guard allies, especially the durability of the chimeras. The chimera's were heavily targeted by my DE opponent. This was probable because of the threat the vehicles posed with multi-lasers and autocannon occupants, or the guard squads inside would make easy kill points once extricated from their armored carriers, or he just so happened to mass on the side where the chimera's were located. I think it was the latter.
My celestian unit, in addition to their immolater transport, were the first target eradicated. It took a large amount of dedicated shooting but they did fall to the first shooting phase. Exorcist# 1 bought the Imperial Hydroponics plot first turn, as well as my platoon command squad chimera and two troopers. A trio of foolhardy DE bikers thought the remaining guardsmen would be easy prey, this would end up not being the case.
The first Dark Eldar turn put out a lot of shooting and was fairly successful in that it gave my opponent 4 kill points. I was questioning my deployment heavily since my force was separated. It appeared the right flank, where he placed all his units, might buckle swiftly the next turn before my flanking units could intervene. The next shooting phase would not go as well for the DE.
His shooting effectively hit, but often could not reach glancing or penetrating levels, or failed do wreck or destroy the vehicle targeted. Scourges came in but I knew I could snatch quick kill points with one or two well placed flamers. My firing was slowly plucking away the 11 and 10 open topped DE vehicles. While his force inched slowly toward my chimera's that continued to weather his fire. By turn 4 my other units were engaging the flank of his forces, which never turned from the chimera's to face the approaching threat.
The game ended at 17 kill points to 9-10 kp for the DE. Again the early turns, like my battle against the IG, proved to be painful. Steady progress was made through the game which brought a final victory. I know the above post was not a very descriptive battle report but I just wanted to put out significant points I noticed from the battle.
What I learned
-heavy fire designed to cause armor saves will eradicate squads with enough DE shooting .
+ power armor of sisters forces much more shooting to kill entire units.
-Inquisitor Squad with 2 plasma rifle vets managed to eliminate a ravager and proved mildly effective in a game without negating psychic powers.
-Hitting armor and penetrating armor is just half of the game, that dreaded damage roll can confound everything if you continue to get 1's or 2's
-Don't forget faith points for killed units
-Don't forget Chimera's do not come with extra armor like Sister Rhinos
-Platoon Command Squad counts as a Troop for claiming objectives and such
-Chimera's massed in an area may provide an attractive target for the enemy
That is it for now.
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