
Dungeons and Dragons, meet Pathfinder - Your New Home

Pathfinder, is the way into the future of Dungeons and Dragons. Through Paizo.com Pathfinder was born. This newest edition does not say Dungeons and Dragons directly on the cover, but it is Dungeons and Dragons. The newest source book for D&D adds to Wizards 3.5 edition. Players who purchased hordes of books over the last nine years can convert their adventures into Pathfinder rules. The new book updates and fixes some problems with the Third edition gaming mechanics, and also adds new flavor to the game. It does not alienate a loyal player base dedicated to the game Dungeons and Dragons.

I played Fourth Edition and can honestly say that it is a terrible game compared to Third Edition or Pathfinder. I returned three of the newest books I purchased for Foruth Edition, I just could not have fun reading them or playing the destroyed game they called Dungeons and Dragons.

Pathfinder gives Dungeons and Dragons a new lease on life and has allowed so many gamers to continue playing a game they know and love. One day the game will change again, on that day the gaming community of Dungeons and Dragons will make their decision based on Pathfinder or Fourth Edition. Until that day, I chose Pathfinder as my Dungeons and Dragons. True to the game, True to the player!

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