
The Setting of the Stone

The Wood Elves having won a victory were afforded a position inside Mousillon territory. With this victory they erect a waystone.

-The affects of this waystone will allow the army controlling it to reroll failed rolls to rally fleeing troops.
-The army controlling the piece will have its model the closest to it, not fleeing or engaged in close combat, at the start of every phase.
-Unit strength 5 is required to control the stone.
-Wood Elves will place the waystone after deployment sides are chosen.

Current Campaign states are:
Battles fought: 1
Wood Elves: 1 MV - 15 pts
Bretonnians: 0 0 pts

Current location - Fringes of Mousillon
The countryside is in a state of flux, being affected by more powers than the changing season alone. With the coming of spring, life has begun anew across the land. This is increased by the presence of the wood elves. Peasants were allowed to flee before the host, as the riders and dryads cleared the countryside of human interlopers. Any hostile encounters were quickly decided, eliminated or routed. The greatest threat remains in the army forming outside the range of the new forest the host of Lord Rincewind.

Preparing the Loren waystone

As the figure walked past elves and forest kin alike they revered her passing. Dryads gaunt branches trembled fiercely and they emitted unearthly wails as they were touched by the power this being held over the will of the forest. Sentries moving purposefully paused only briefly with solemn nods before returning continuing their vigilance, while others laboring about the camp stopped abruptly to kneel and bow in respect to the maiden before them. The sun was dipping behind the land to the west, leaving crimson and orange streaks across the sky. The newly rising trees cast unfamiliar shadows across the land once used for farming. Everywhere the reach of the forest was choking out the structures and designs of the humans and replacing it with the familiar touch of Athel Loren. As she neared the center of a large gathering, she was reminded of the importance of this ceremony in sanctifying the waystone that would continue to guide the forests growth. Forest spirit and elf alike mingled in the gathering, a gruff looking human and the princess Ilyara stood apart from the rest.

Hannibal watched as one of the most beautiful elves he ever had seen approached the elegant monolith. She was naked as the day the gods made the elves but for a faint green sheen that surrounded and flowed from her. Her pure white hair was lined with leaves and vines of green. It whipped wildly behind her as if torn at by some ferocious force or unseen gale. A soft song began resonating through his head and probing his mind, but the spellweaver never spoke a word. Closing the space between herself and the stone, it began to share her green glow with more intensity. The hum of the elven hymn held his mind firmly. The man felt drunken, his senses dulled and unable to react in a way to part from listening.

Ilyara watched silently from behind the gathering. The power of the light was becoming stronger as the mage was almost to the stone. The song flowed through her entire being, touching her soul and showing her with feelings of warmth and comfort. Her skin began to tingling underneath her exquisite leather armor. She squirmed slightly, this was the first time she would experience this form of magic and she was unprepared for the feelings that she felt. Suddenly the tone rose to its highest level, the maiden’s outstretched hand reached the flawless surface of the rock. No one moved as the spellweaver’s song started and blended with that of the earths. The gathering froze, sentries and forest kin alike gave pause, the mages hair stood in place no longer affected by the wind, nor gravity.

The tingling reaches its apex and Ilyara shuddered from it. The princess pushed into Hannibal and thought quickly to apologize. She never did. Hannibal stood paralyzed by the event, his eyes glazed over and distant, transfixed on the stone and the mage. Her hand lightly tapped the side of his cheeks, her face became even more twisted with concern as her fingers smeared crimson dripping from his ear. She quickly placed her hand over his mouth and smashed her hand into his back. His eyes closed and he crumpled heavily into her embrace. Without disturbing the pinnacle of the ritual, she hefted the man up and dragged him away from the gathering and towards the tents. “I guess there is still a part of you that is human,” speaking to the unconscious form she was moving. “Do you even know? Her question went unanswered and she sighed to herself and resumed their trek. A green light exploded through the trees and into the night, illuminating all in the area for a brief moment. In an instant the light and song was gone and the landscape was black with night. Despite being alone in a strange land with darkness and enemies around them, the princess smiled as she felt the safety the forest would now afford them.

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