
The Sisters of the Burning Blade

A look into the force that is going to be arrayed in my new 5th edition 2000pt Sister of Battle list.

Canoness - Blsd Wpn, Clk StAsp, Inferno Pis, BoSL
Retinue, VSS - Combi-flamer, 4 x Celestians w/ Melta, Hvy Flamer, and mounted in Immolater EA/Smoke/Twin linked Hvy Flamers
SoB Sqd 1 - 10 Sisters, Flamer, Hvy Flamer, VSS - BoSL - mounted in Rhino - Smoke/EA
SoB Sqd 2 - 10 Sisters, Flamer, Hvy Flamer, VSS - BoSL- mounted in Rhino - Smoke/EA
SoB Sqd 3 - 10 Sisters, Flamer, Hvy Flamer, VSS - BoSL - mounted in Rhino - Smoke/EA
SoB Sqd 4 - 10 Sisters, Melta Gun x 2, VSS - BoSL- mounted in Rhino - Smoke/EA
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers - 5 men, plasma rifle x 2 - mounted in Chimera
Exorcist 1 - EA
Exorcist 2 - EA
Seraphim - 9 Sera jumpacks , Flamer x 2, VSS - BoSL - (Can deep strike now, yummy)
Celestians - 6 sisters, melta x 2 - mounted in Immolater - EA/Smoke/Twin linked Hvy Flamers

Here is where I need to start considering options - maybe swap out for the Celestians

Retributors - 6 sisters, 4 HB (very fond of this unit)
Celestians - 6 sisters, melta x 2 - mounted in Immolater - EA/Smoke/Twin linked Hvy Flamers (for the extra annoyance of fielding another tank and being able to pop heavies w/ meltas)
Armor Fist Squads x 2 and Leman Russ Tank x 1 (I love taking the Russ, hopefully we might be mentioned in the IG codex as allies, but I do not see WH being able to use IG special rules, it would be too sweet)

Warhammer Wood Elf Additions

Looks like there will be some additions to my Wood Elf army coming next week in celebration of my seventh anniversary. Hopefully I can manage to get 3 more warhawk riders (really dislike the models on the backs, might try to model some Glade Guard on there instead), some dryads, and I will be attempting to model a caster on a horse from some dark elf models, giving my casters a more sinister look to them! I'm not sure how well the mounted spellweaver will work out, maybe it is better to just leave them on foot?

I really dislike how Games Workshop decided to move away from selling Bitz to this awkward set of bitz ordering from the site. It is horrible. Before you could order any piece of any army, make your model with not much hassle and COST to you. Now you need to pay up to buy the entire box set if you want to use some pieces out of them. I modeled a Sister of Battle unit, Saint Celestine with Pegasus wings way back in the day. Now, I would have to buy the entire pegasus knight and just butcher it for the wings! What sense does this make? I can see that Games Workshop might want to save money, or probably they want to increase their revenue more.

GW should not be hurting for business, even with this Recession and talk about it everywhere, they plan to open over 400+ stores in the next few years. I know for a fact they closed down to unsuccessful ones around the Northern VA, MD area. They do put out quite a few new books, design new models, and run a very good gaming system that many people enjoy. I guess if the prices were too demanding, then people would stop buying them. That has not happened yet so I guess the price is still right. I will never be happy with losing the ability to order bitz!

While I'm grumbling, give me an updated Witchhunter Codex and Daemonhunters! And new models! And since you want to not allow us access to precious bitz, make a wood elf mounted caster model!!!


Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 2

I need to hand it to the guy at Gamestop, I went in just browsing and a picture or reference to Bioshock 2, and before I knew it I reserved Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2 and even Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2! The originals of these games were very interesting games, probably some of the better ones I came across lately.

Bioshock was a very creepy different take on first person shooters. It set you inside the world created by a man who wanted men to be free of governments and morality. This freedom soon led to disaster when people became out of control and inevitably sought power over one another. The graphics were very good and how sounds or voices would creep to your ears or echo from all around you kept me jumping. I heard that in the second game you will take the place of a big daddy still in Rapture. Rapture is the city and the big daddies were the guardians of the little sisters who held the coveted "Adam" used to increase ones physical or mental self. You fight these big daddies in the first game, now supposedly you get to be one.

Mass Effect, this game was exceptional. I felt I was immersed in an endless universe, with possibilities to go anywhere and do almost anything. You become a special operative and are tasked with seeking out a rogue agent. This really is the story in its simplest form. Through the game you gather allies to yourself, and choose the squad you wish to command. One of the greatest features is the ability to decide the fate of yourself and others throughout the game. You are given the choice to pick the path of good, evil or even neutrality. The game mixes the ability to create a unique character, with several different careers, each with its own abilities. There is not just a game Mass Effect, there are two novels out. The first one is the prequel to the game. You follow the story of a human as he tries to become the universes first SPECTRE (Special Tactics and Reconnaissance agent. The second book takes place in the universe after the affects of the game plays out. It was a very good game, that I actually played through over four times, to attempt to complete all the achievements. I hope that the sequel is even better.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2
I knew COD4 was a hit, but I could not believe they were actually making a sequel to the first one! This immediately made me recall when Final Fantasy X-2 was made, and many avid FF fans were like, huh? Also, Call of Duty: World at War was recently released a few months ago, not even fresh off the shelves Call of Duty 4: 2 is in development? I started playing COD4 again, I truely liked the game and can handle my own much better in it than in Gears of War 2 where I get obliterated. I can apprecaite COD4 because it takes place during the Modern Day. I was in the military and like the skins of the different forces and the story in general. I regretfully played the game through on the hardest level, and the suggestion of my younger brother, and the game was much more difficult to beat. The story mode had a tendency to not save correctly at checkpoints and I found myself dying endlessly at the same spot for days on end. Aside from that the game is a great play and I look forward to seeing if COD4 - 2 follows the path of Final Fantasy X-2 or breaks the mold!

Cyber Nations - Browser Based Game

Let me tell you about a game I got into over three years ago. This game is played online, without graphics and unlike regular PC games. It is a browser based game called Cyber Nations. In this fictional world players can make a type of "sim city" like nation. You pick a name for your nation, name your ruler, and place yourself somewhere on a real world map. As you increase your land the area of influence spreads. This really does not affect much, since so many people are playing it everyone would overlap and be lobbing bombs because you claim that their territory is your backyard.
The game allows you to edit your nation, make it your own by answering some questions, dealing with events and allowing you to choose to fight in wars or be purely peaceful. Like many of these games, the powerful can control much. There are vast alliances of countries throughout this fictional world that vie for most important of all, more members. The instant you create a nation you will be sought after by any number of alliances. They will offer you money, technology, treasure, riches, the right to smash enemies or be part of a nice friendly group of online gamers.

Many of these alliances have charters, codes, and stuff much like political entities. They try to govern based on the particular system of government the alliance chooses. Some are democratic, others dictatorship like or ruled by councils. Like everything people do, you will have those people who put much of their life and time into a game like this. They are the ones that shape the game politics and mold the alliances. Others who can put a moderate amount of time will be active on their alliance forums or military. Then the bulk of alliances, the members that just get on to check their taxes, manage their nation and are part of an alliance so they are not beaten up for being alliance-less. These members make up much of the rank and file of the alliances day to day numbers.

As each day passes you are allowed to collect taxes from your people. As you collect taxes you must first pay your bills like any good country out there would. You manage taxes, build infrastructure - the main way to increase your population, and purchase technology - used to purchase better weapons, military units and improvements. Lastly you must eventually purchase land for your people. They do not like overcrowding and will be very upset if they are forced to live in stacks upon stacks of cubbie-hole homes. As you make your people happy, they will be willing to make more and then you can make more revenue off your tax collections.

The game allows for you to grow substantially and make your nation unique with improvements at first, and then national wonders later in the game. My last nation I built over the course of two years and finally they updated the game with more national wonders and naval units. I then blundered and accidentally deleted my nation by not collecting taxes often enough. I was waiting so my collection would be large and I could save money using improvement swapping techniques. I left my nation inactive for over 20 days and it passed from existance. I was depressed about this for a few weeks, but tried to remember it was just a game.

After some time passed I decided to come back to the game and work at it over again. So I registered a new account and began playing Cyber Nations all over. Without a doubt I will be able to grow my nation much better than last time, and I even spent a week deleting and remaking my nation until I got natural resources that I wanted.

Here is a link to the game: http://www.cybernations.net/

Here is a link to IRON, my current alliance: http://www.iron-command.com/

There are many more details in this game than I can begin to talk about in a single posting. New nations will be solicited for selling technology to larger nations. These big nations must pay extrememly high prices for technology, because it rises as you gain more. Small nations pay trivial amounts and can get large amounts of money from big nations for such trades. Tech for money. There is much about the war system to talk about, guide written by many players throughout many alliances. There is also a tournament version that is reset every so often if you wish to play the game more aggressively. Cyber Nations is a fun game and if you read this, are interested, or need some help getting started, feel free to contact me and we can work on getting your nation started


RunaMuck Mud Run 2009

Viper Squadron Delta - Four man Team
(Left to Right Uncle David, My Dad - Ralph, Me, Brother Ben)

So this year, in an effort to get in better shape, my wife suggested we try to get our family out and run one of the many "Mud Run" events held around the Northern Virginia and Maryland area. This event took place in Rockville Maryland. There were six different events, individual, team, and couples runs and three more that involved costumes. The first race started at 9am and last started at 2pm. Our race was at 10am and my uncle had to come directly from work, but made it will 30 minutes to spare!
First some background that led up to this event. I started mentioning this back in February to my family, with a bunch of definites. I ended up needing to find enough people to fill out three four man teams. By the time the Mud Run came to less than two weeks, I barely could fill out one four man team! So many drops, some too young, some busy, maybe I needed to pressure people more, haha. That is the family way, I think with this year's race being a success, it will garner more support for next year.
The race course weaved around a small lake, actually a better way to put that is that the race course weaved through the lake. There were several hills on the left side of the lake, my dad was a steam engine and muscled his way through each one. My uncle and brother took an early lead to scout ahead and waited for us at the Jungle pit. I would like to add that they looked VERY clean for having already ran through the longest mud spot labled the "Mudstrip". I helped to remedy that particular detail. Here is a link to the festival site if this is hard to see - http://www.runamuckfestival.com/Race_Info.html

At the Jungle Pit, runners were forced to crawl, to a point, through the mud because of some ropes slung across the mud pit. My uncle and brother were waiting, rather clean. I charged down the hill and shouted my brother would have to get muddy now, he replied he knew. He turned to get into the pit and I gave him a friendly shove that sent him spraying through the water doing the backstroke. My uncle Dave waited for my father and then started to cross. After splashing and dealing out some Tom Foolery, Ben and I waited just at the end of the pit for my uncle, intent on bringing him down. My uncle reached the one dry island before the last water hole and saw us there, thinking we were waiting for him. He recalled to me what went through his head when we started at him. Uncle Dave: "I saw you to there and thought you were waiting for your father and I to get across, I shoulda known better than that. When I saw you to coming at me out of the water like two cops I knew you dirty #@$#%@ were out to get me." My uncle is a fairly sturdy guy and I probably would not bring him down myself, but Ben knew what had to be done and after we finished he was muddy up to his chest.

Me and my Dad. My wife Dawna, Rebekah and my mom thought they saw us coming towards them but they saw three red shirts and one brown one. Eventually we got close enough and they realized who we were. Below is my uncle and my brother heading up the front of the formation. Also, notice I lost my number "11" bib!! The last mud pit my brother exacted revenge upon me for sailing him through the last mud pit. As I entered the pit he moved to engage me in hand to hand combat. We fought and I yielded, several other racers started joining in the festivities and started turning on their fellow team mates. My brother tried to break away and I grabbed his foot and threw it up, and then it was a footrace through the pit. I could see his feet splashing through the water and knew i just needed to get a little closer to leap and grab them. I closed just enough space and leapt and with my right hand clenched his right ankle. It was an awesome dive that got many cheers and even more when my brother managed to squirm out of my grasp. It was an awesome attempt!

Here we go, running off to the finish! Thanks for the cheers ladies!

Viper Squadron Delta after the finish! Ben promotes the Sobe flavored water!
Then finally we have some pictures of us eating and relaxing after the run. Pictures we did not get that I wish we had was one of us getting hosed off by this huge tanker truck with freezing cold water!!

So it was a great day! I definitely was tired after getting back to my parents house to hang for awhile. Here are a list of things I would like to remember for next year:
Bring a disposable waterproof camera to use during the run.
Duct tape shoes to keep them from coming off in the mud.
Begin making team shirts at least two weeks before the run and use dark colored transfer sheets if your shirt is any color other than white!
The check in went fast and was very orderly, did not need ID if you looked over 16.
Make sure to staple down the bib incase it is lost again! haha
This is the end for now, will post more about running in future posts or next year for the Runamuck Mud Run 2010!


Murmurs Across the Warp

The words of the message vanished from the screen. It was sent coursing through the lifelines of the frigate, the Helena. The commands would relay the message to an astropath, deep within the ships sanctum, for delivery across the warp with secure protocols. The warp was a term that hardly even scratched the surface of the world beyond their reality. Beyond worlds, beyond space, beyond the very recycled air she breathed was the realm of chaos. That realm is home to beings of unimaginable power and cruelty, daemons that feast and prey upon the souls of Pandora's reality. Only by the grace and power of the almighty god Emperor were humans able to create technology and have faith to resist being torn asunder, during deep space travel, by these monsters. Humans are far from perfect, and it is unwise to misjudge the raw power that the warp can weild over the realm of men.
Canoness Pandora leaned back in her aged wooden chair, mulling over the thought of something passing across the warp, securely. The old chair, which was designed for a much larger and more languished imperial officer, did not plead or resist under the steady shifting of the woman's unfamiliar physique. The desk was metal, with wiring and wear that suggested it was wrought from some derelict and placed intently in this office. Somewhere in the Emperor's vast empire, a garbage scowl is missing its helm. To her left was a small alcove that could be used to store uniforms, but the doors were welded shut, rather poorly she thought to herself. The single item to adorn the empty walls was a piece of crud metal polished so finely it could have passed for a lasconnon lense. Clearly several deckhands were ordered to engage in the polishing of this bare metal and slap it up with the intention to mock their newest addition to the ship.
Pandora stood up, careful not to dislodge the flimsy wires that managed to power the archaeic consol. The entire ship shuddered as it traversed the warp, a distant moan of the hull echoed through empty corridors. Her entire station flickered with power loss, the spartan lights lining the ceiling shuddered and blinked sharply. Her tan colored fatigues hung loosely from her slender shape as she manuvered around the bulky metal barrier and stood infront of the makeshift mirror. Unconcerned about the constant precarious situation the ship and its denizens faced as they sped towards their destination. The ship blazed a brilliant signature for all the warp to sense, and right now she new there were fiendish beings pressing and tasting the defenses of the vessal. These defenses were projected by astropaths, reinforced by rituals and augmented by ancient shielding devices. The Emperor protects, she thought to herself.
Pandora pushed the tan headgear up and off, matted tresses of curly fiery red hair lit up the mirror. The woman could not help but admire the efficiency of the reflection, it shone back the color of her vivid locks and perfect cream colored skin The pigmentless color of her eyes shone a harsh and icey blue. She hardened her sharp facial features and glared deeply into the image cast back. The stern look that quelled even the most obnoxious officer and resistant penitent sent a quiver up her spin. Her eyes looked down at the hands that dealt death in the Emperor's name, smooth and elegant came to mind. The fact was the rest of her was just that, hardly the image of a bride of the Emperor, battle tested across alien worlds, scarred and mangled in the glorious service of his name.
The first thing anyone saw was a woman of grooming, a carefully scultped hive princess, perhaps even the matron of some wildly considered "morale" vessel full of ladys to service the Imperiums heroic masses. The many that looked only from afar would keep this perfect fantasy playing in their mind, while the few that reached this maiden of death face to face gave little credence to their previous thoughts. Many snap smartly when first exposed to the intensity of her eyes. Chasing away any thoughts of impurity, or lust before they fear their mind read and they are punished thusly for such heresy.

-More to Come

The Forces of Athel Loren Defend their Waystone

Celebration at the Waystone! Victory for the Elves and the Forest!

Lord Hannibal's Wood Elves effectively defended their Waystone from the Bretonnian forces. With this second victory the fey forces will negate the -1 tree terrain pieces that Mousillon afforded Lord Rincewind's armies. The Wood Elves now are well inside the boundries of Mousillon and will need a serious effort to uproot them from their position of power.

Campaign Key
D-Draw -10pts
MV- Marginal Victory-15pts
SV-Solid Victory 20pts
M-Massacre 30pts
Current Campaign states are:
Battles fought: 2
Wood Elves: 1 MV, 1 M - 45 pts
Bretonnians: 0 0 pts


-Battle Summary- Posted here by Rysm!


The Loren Waystone - Newest Mousillon Landmark

The successful defense of the newly erected Loren Waystone has ensured the elves of the forest are able to readily call upon the power of the forest. The rolling farmland and pastures that once covered this muddy landscape are now populated with the beginnings of a woodland. Many refugees fled before the coming battle, and those so dedicated to defending their land have either fled at the routing of Lord Rincewind's army, been conscripted to their own militia forces or slain for failing to yeild to the lands newest masters. As the wood elves gaze out upon the rolling fields they wonder what Mousillon has left to offer, and if the swine and cattle left behind is edible by elven standards.

More to follow


Axis and Allies 1942 Edition

Here is a link to the newest edition of Larry Harris' Classic Axis and Allies to grace the gaming shelves.

The game is a very affordable $35 when compared to earlier predecessors. It is speculated among the avid Axis and Allies gamers that this could be a newer version of AA Revised, updated with information from the latest Axis and Allies 50th Anniversary Edition.

AA 1942 Edition will include 5 world powers, ecluding the playable Italians added in the 50th Anniversary edition. New pieces will be made available while old mainstays like paper money, used to represent Industrial Production Counters, will be excluded.

What else could be new? The map will most definitely change from the previous edition. Technologies could face changes based on the new ones available in the 50th Edition. Many new rules regarding cost of units, stats, and special rules will could mirror the 50th edition with a few upgrades or few entirely new changes.

What will be the same? The quest for Germany to defeat Russia before the United Kingdom and the United States can effectively halt the Germans will probably remain. Among many Axis and Allies game afficionados it is a game ender once the Soviet Union falls. The lose of this capital proves to be, morally or economically, the stopping point of many allies players. While the loss of any Axis capital can be the standard time for an Axis player to concede. Ultimately games are decided on Victory city count at the end of the turn. After the U.S. player ends his turn both sides check for victory, if no side has enough victory cities the game continues. This is rarely the end game if a high number of cities are needed and is only a matter of time for the side who claimed a capital to reach it against diminished foes.

I would like to see emphasis put on achieving a win through victory cities. If the game is won by the number of victory cities controlled, then why do players end once a capital falls? It is almost impossible to liberate a capital once it is taken and still maintain a front against the enemy. If there is no solid way to continue the fight once a capital falls, and most of the time logically it would be the end point, why even include the victory city counts in the game?

The Setting of the Stone

The Wood Elves having won a victory were afforded a position inside Mousillon territory. With this victory they erect a waystone.

-The affects of this waystone will allow the army controlling it to reroll failed rolls to rally fleeing troops.
-The army controlling the piece will have its model the closest to it, not fleeing or engaged in close combat, at the start of every phase.
-Unit strength 5 is required to control the stone.
-Wood Elves will place the waystone after deployment sides are chosen.

Current Campaign states are:
Battles fought: 1
Wood Elves: 1 MV - 15 pts
Bretonnians: 0 0 pts

Current location - Fringes of Mousillon
The countryside is in a state of flux, being affected by more powers than the changing season alone. With the coming of spring, life has begun anew across the land. This is increased by the presence of the wood elves. Peasants were allowed to flee before the host, as the riders and dryads cleared the countryside of human interlopers. Any hostile encounters were quickly decided, eliminated or routed. The greatest threat remains in the army forming outside the range of the new forest the host of Lord Rincewind.

Preparing the Loren waystone

As the figure walked past elves and forest kin alike they revered her passing. Dryads gaunt branches trembled fiercely and they emitted unearthly wails as they were touched by the power this being held over the will of the forest. Sentries moving purposefully paused only briefly with solemn nods before returning continuing their vigilance, while others laboring about the camp stopped abruptly to kneel and bow in respect to the maiden before them. The sun was dipping behind the land to the west, leaving crimson and orange streaks across the sky. The newly rising trees cast unfamiliar shadows across the land once used for farming. Everywhere the reach of the forest was choking out the structures and designs of the humans and replacing it with the familiar touch of Athel Loren. As she neared the center of a large gathering, she was reminded of the importance of this ceremony in sanctifying the waystone that would continue to guide the forests growth. Forest spirit and elf alike mingled in the gathering, a gruff looking human and the princess Ilyara stood apart from the rest.

Hannibal watched as one of the most beautiful elves he ever had seen approached the elegant monolith. She was naked as the day the gods made the elves but for a faint green sheen that surrounded and flowed from her. Her pure white hair was lined with leaves and vines of green. It whipped wildly behind her as if torn at by some ferocious force or unseen gale. A soft song began resonating through his head and probing his mind, but the spellweaver never spoke a word. Closing the space between herself and the stone, it began to share her green glow with more intensity. The hum of the elven hymn held his mind firmly. The man felt drunken, his senses dulled and unable to react in a way to part from listening.

Ilyara watched silently from behind the gathering. The power of the light was becoming stronger as the mage was almost to the stone. The song flowed through her entire being, touching her soul and showing her with feelings of warmth and comfort. Her skin began to tingling underneath her exquisite leather armor. She squirmed slightly, this was the first time she would experience this form of magic and she was unprepared for the feelings that she felt. Suddenly the tone rose to its highest level, the maiden’s outstretched hand reached the flawless surface of the rock. No one moved as the spellweaver’s song started and blended with that of the earths. The gathering froze, sentries and forest kin alike gave pause, the mages hair stood in place no longer affected by the wind, nor gravity.

The tingling reaches its apex and Ilyara shuddered from it. The princess pushed into Hannibal and thought quickly to apologize. She never did. Hannibal stood paralyzed by the event, his eyes glazed over and distant, transfixed on the stone and the mage. Her hand lightly tapped the side of his cheeks, her face became even more twisted with concern as her fingers smeared crimson dripping from his ear. She quickly placed her hand over his mouth and smashed her hand into his back. His eyes closed and he crumpled heavily into her embrace. Without disturbing the pinnacle of the ritual, she hefted the man up and dragged him away from the gathering and towards the tents. “I guess there is still a part of you that is human,” speaking to the unconscious form she was moving. “Do you even know? Her question went unanswered and she sighed to herself and resumed their trek. A green light exploded through the trees and into the night, illuminating all in the area for a brief moment. In an instant the light and song was gone and the landscape was black with night. Despite being alone in a strange land with darkness and enemies around them, the princess smiled as she felt the safety the forest would now afford them.


Break Week

Ok, three days into my one week off between classes and what to do? Next week my hand is forced, I must take two classes that are 16 weeks long. Aside from those two classes I need a bi-term class to ensure I get my full GIBILL benefits. Plus in 16 weeks I will be running my first Triathlon, so my 16 week training period will be commencing. It is going to be a busy summer!

Over two months ago my wife and I ditched cable for good. Partly because it ate up most of our free time, partly because there was never anything good on leading back to wasting our free time, and mostly because we wanted to save money. I felt no strong attachments to any shows except Battlestar Galattica, but even that did not sit me down infront of my computer to download it. We did finish watching the series and it was good, now we just need to find out where to download Dexter when season 4 starts.

Other stuff to look forward to are future DnD games, Warhammer games, a half marathon in September with my cousin, and getting rid of nasty credit cards!

Once more unto the field my elves!

Two days passed, my army of Wood Elves met my friends Bretonnians on the field of battle. This battle just the next in a long line of clashes between them. In an effort to sort this rubbish into a meaningful end, we began a campaign. My forces marches, on the cuspe of their victories, into the land of Mousillon. There, in unfamiliar terrain with a lack of vegetation, the wood elves of Lord Hannibal managed a marginal victory and grew roots on Bretonnian lands.

This battle was a tough fight for my wood elves. Leadership saves did not pan out as well as I had hoped due to a few error: poor placement of Wild Riders netted them total annihilation; three warhawk rider positions are now open - apply within; the armor of the Brets proved nigh impossible to breach; my magic could have been more effective and less defensive - but who can rely on magic? Some of the incidents mentioned above just could not be helped due to dice rolls. I did manage to learn much more about my army in this marginal victory than any of my massacres.

My treeman did well to bother two of my opponents entire knight units; the peasants I counted on fleeing taking their fellows keeping the trebuchet warm did indeed go on holiday; while the glade riders did flee, twice from battle and three times in all, they were still counting and alive to contest and board corner; there are a few other things I took from this battle, but mainly are only of use against highly armored opponents like Bretonnians. Mousillon, we are here!

Below are just a few other "interesting" game pieces.

Who said we didn't play with any marshes or bogs this game? Above is an absolute mess of a fight that started at the start of turn two and lasted until the top of turn 6. First starting with the treeman, the focus in the center, and the Glade riders versus the Knights Errant (oriented above the treeman). The elven side won combat but failed to make the Errants flee, the Knights of the Realm then thought to join the melee and caused three wounds on the treeman, and won combat. The Glade riders fled, leaving the stubborn treeman to hold off two units of knights. Another elf turn passed with the dryads moving into position to charge the KotR's flank. The treeman continued to hold! The dryads (brown tree looking things) and my Lord (behind the Knights Errant) charged to the rescue. Alas the rescuing did not happen right away. The lord did carve up the Knights Errant with the help of the treeman, then charged into the KotR, to start the bog all over again. Dryads slowly dropped down to two left in the end, but the KotR were finally decimated in turn 6.

This is another angle of the battle mentioned above. If you look to the rear of the melee you see another knight unit (Grail knights) and they are in the upper right of this picture. They mercilessly charged my wardancers and the defense the wardancers provided was paramount and worth mentioning.
Having no other choice since the Grail Knights were charging, with a lord and palain in the mess, and facing two attacks each from 5 Grail knights, I had to activate my dancers Shadow Dance to permit them a half decent +4 ward save. This save was still facing a slew of strength 6 hits and any kind of losses would put my unit in danger of fleeing. Miraculously in about a total of 6-8 wounds, I only failed 1. With over 10 attacks back, some focused on the paladin BSB, he was slain but the fight was lost to my elves, who faced a leadership test. They passed a hard roll needing under a 6 I believe and held on a 4 or 5.
They would not be so lucky next round, lost more of their number and fled the battle, the misplaced Wildriders ate a new charge in the side and bought the farm. The wardancers, seeing the carnage caused by their failure upon their kin, rounded on the Lord leading the Grail Knights. In the final round they charged and struck the Lord down with three well placed blows!