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Target Bastion A-21 - Planetary Forces repel Attackers Pt. 2 (edited)
Imperial junior officer Stanz Freider ran his grimy hand across the blonde stubble of his high and tight haircut leaving sweat smeared dirt across it. The Raven Guard’s dawn assault was staggering. He was amazed they even managed to survive the battle. The guardsman situated on the ground with a portable vox caster beside him was busily trying to raise wayward defense units separated during the battle. Several squads were scattered in the fighting, but most were dead. The young officer hoped at least someone was left and that they were willing to heed the calls and return to fight.
The chipped handset resting in Freider’s left hand was silent. He tried for the last ten minutes to reach higher headquarters to report. There was only static from the vox inside the bastion. Feeling the comm array might be damaged, he and his command team departed the structure to attempt to raise them on the manpad systems.
“Are we being jammed?” Stanz asked to the trooper manning the vox.
“Negative sir, we can still transmit to platoon level. There is static on the division channel, but no chatter. Headquarters is unable to respond or the short range signal cannot reach.” The man turned back to his system and called out for Alpha squad. Stanz glanced at his mic and keyed the button to open a channel.
“Orion Prime this is bastion Alpha-2-1, respond.” Freider paused a moment, then tried again with the same message.
“Alpha-2-1, this is Orion actual. Freider, is that you?” A voice that came across the handset was a familiar gruff tone that he knew to be Commander Geitner. It was a welcome sound to know they were not alone.
“Orion Actual, this is Officer Freider. We report heavy casualties. Loss of three squads, Leman Russ battle tank disabled as well as two destroyed chimeras. Inquisition forces sustained losses but are still present. Enemy forces are routed. Over.”
“You must have fought a paltry force,” the commander sounded incredulous. Freider held back the urge to strangle the mic in his hand. The force that they confronted was anything but paltry. The voice of Geinter continued, “The entire line of bastions have fallen to the attacking forces. Reinforcements are mobilizing but will not be reinforcing to your position.”
Stanz stared at the handset. Was his hearing fading? The junior officer did not like sacrificing so much for a position only to abandon it. The fact that they would not be sending additional forces to secure the area struck him deeply.
“Freider, you fall under the command chain of the Inquisition now. Maintain contact with the Inquisitorial forces there. “
With a blank expression he responded. “Understood, command.” There was a long pause and the officer thought that the commander finished with his transmission.
“Freider,” the voice called back across the handset sounding very serious. “How did you manage to survive?”
The officer looked from the machine to the brightening sky swirling with red dust and remembered the dark, harrowing hours of dawn.
It was the darkest hours of Orion five. While the sun slept, the planet prepared for war. The permacrete bastion sat at the base of a looming craggy mountain range. The surrounding landscape was flat but riddled with rocky outcroppings. The Inquisitional forces hoped to use the limited avenues of approach to their advantage. Aegis barriers were erected around the bastion forming a single defense line. Barriers formed two other half circles to the front of this line. Here a squad of Freider’s men would dig in and defend.
A makeshift strongpoint was assembled using a natural rock formation and the remaining barriers. Here another squad would be placed as a delaying tactic. Stanz hoped they would provide an obstacle to slow the attackers advance and give the defenders much needed time to acquire firing vectors.
The barrier line closest to the bastion was occupied by two of the Sister squads and one of their heavy tanks, an exorcist is what they called it. The relic of a machine looked more like an organ with grand pipes protruding from the rear than a main battle tank. One of the sister superiors assured Stanz that it was a very deadly piece of weaponry.
An inquisitor along with her retinue also took up battle positions behind the defense line. They were all in possession of deadly plasma weaponry. The sister superior stated the weapons were very effective at destroying power armor and the formidable terminator armor. The officer countered with the unpredictability of the weapons to overheat and explode. The sister agreed and smiled “they should have faith in the Emperor then.”
Two of Freider’s squads were set up at point positions, surrounded by the protective barriers, while two chimera armored carriers secured the flanks. If the marines tried to alter their drop zone the chimeras would harry them long enough to bring more defenders.
Two sisters were positioned inside the bastion monitoring the progress of their reinforcements who were rushing with all speed towards the battlefield. The Palatine of the sisters forces radioed in that they would be starting their decent via jump packs in five minutes. That is when the signal turned to static and the dark night sky began to burn.
Stanz rushed to one of the forward observation slits of the bastion in time to see a huge ball of fire plummeting through the night sky towards him. The flaming inferno looked like a small sun descending from the heavens to destroy him. He turned quickly away from the slit as the entire bastion shook from the tremendous impact. From the feel of the blast the strike missed the bastion but landed somewhere to the left flank.
If the attack from the heavens had hit the bastion itself, Stanz hoped the reinforced permacrete would be enough to protect them. Darting through the bastion to a side view point he saw smoke. The first firestorm barrage from the space marine vessel destroyed the quad gun emplacement. Several sisters were lying on the ground and started to get up, when the sky began to brighten again.
This blast missed the units on the ground and gouged a huge hole into the base of the mountains behind them. Freider’s eyes blurred from the intense light, his night vision having to adjust after each blinding blast. The officer looked out at the aegis emplacements. His men were huddled down behind the barriers, probably praying to the Emperor that the firestorm would be over soon. Stanz moved back to the center of the bastion and scanned the screen of the auspex. His men had the right idea, seek cover and stop gaping like an idiot at the orbital bombardment coming from the heavens.
Several more volleys scoured the battlefield. Stanz could only brace himself inside the fortified structure and await the last of the orbital attacks. There was another close blast that hit behind the bastion, then silence. The officer noticed several red dots appearing on the auspex screen when suddenly the radio cackled to life, “Adeptas Astartes drop pods incoming! All units prepare to repel the attackers!”
Mechanical servos of the bastion’s weapon emplacements began whirring as enemy signals were detected by the bastions defenses. Stanz grabbed a rifle and moved to a firing position to observe the battlefield and give direction to his men. Just as he reached the forward firing point he saw a conical shaped pod roaring towards the ground. It’s retros screamed as they flared to slow the rapid decent, spraying dirt and rock everywhere. Several blasts echoed through the night as the pods doors blew off and black armored figures rushed forward roaring their battle cry and spraying bolter fire at the bastion’s defenses.
The sisters and guardsmen surged forward to the defense lines and opened fire. Below him he could hear the engines of the battle ranks flaring as the tanks pivoted to fire. Further in the distance the air was filled with lasgun fire from his men’s positions as they fought to repel the attackers.
A unit of space marines charged directly forwards, planting melta bombs on the exorcist as they moved. There was an explosion from the sister tank just in front of the bastion. Smoke roiled up from the weapons bay and the crew spilled out to get away from the fire that burned inside.
The second squad of drop marines charged the left defensive position. His men quickly became overwhelmed by the furious assault, those still alive fled. Freider felt his gut wrench as he watched them cut down, but the feeling was quickly replaced by the unmistakable force of a Leman Russ volley. The heavy tank aimed its main gun dangerously close to target the marines who slew their fellow guardsmen. The metal behemoth fired! The blast sent the five man marine squad flying in pieces from a direct hit. Once the dust settled only a single marine was left intact after he threw himself to the ground.
An explosion hit the battle tank and smoke began to creep out of the top hatch. The marine squad destroyed the exorcist tank also was successful in wrecking the Leman Russ. That unit quickly and decisively removed two great threats to the Raven Guard attack.
The Sisters, furious at the destruction of their revered vehicle, responded the fury of their bolters and melta guns. Bolter rounds exploded against ceramite power armor and two marines fell from the close range volley. A third marine was split in half as the melta guns heat ray easily seared the warrior in two. The final two marines roared their battle cry and almost reached the sisters but were stopped by a unit of jump pack equipped sisters. The angelic warriors surged from behind with flamers and bolt pistols, overwhelming and slaying the two Astartes.
Shouts and screams came across his personal vox, the squad in the strong point was overrun. To his right a guard unit was cut down by hulking beasts of men clad in terminator armor. The sisters tried to target the marines but they teleported too close and the sisters would not risk firing upon the guardsmen.
The lascannon mounted on the roof kept firing, as did the bastions heavy bolters. The machine spirit of the structure was guiding the fire in an effort to suppress the invaders. All around him weapon fire blazed through the night air. Ammunition burned through the sky, through armor and flesh.
A unit of marines assaulted from the left flank after disemboweling one of Freiders chimera vehicles. Its guns went silent as it exploded. His stomach sank as the unit that destroyed the vehicle, aided by jump packs, leapt into the air closing the distance to the bastion quickly. The warriors landed and were met with bolter fire and the shouted oaths of a battle sister squad. More fanatical shouts and calls for absolution of a priests filled the air as he accompanied the sisters into combat.
On the horizon light was slowly coming to the land and Freider could see the carnage in all its fury. In the distance a sisters vehicle was burning, nearby a space marine dreadnought was stationary due to a destroyed leg, while another metal behemoth was battling two sisters in bronzed armor!
“By the Emperor!” The words slipped from Stanz’s mouth as the two sisters charged the hulking space marine walker and planted grenades in vulnerable places. One of the sisters was crushed in the massive claw of the dreadnought. A moment later one of the grenades exploded and the bloodied arm hung limp at the machines side. Dust from a new rhino obscured any further view of the last sister. The vehicle charged directly through two lines of aegis barriers in an effort to bring fresh troops quickly to the fight.
The frantic melee between the sisters squad and space marine jump pack unit ended. The turned their melta weapons against the marines, connecting with one and melting him in half. The second marine was throw back up against the mountain as his jump pack detonated. Freider lost sight of the man and turned to the deadly melee in the middle of the field. The drop pods storm bolter was silenced in a tremendous explosion. The vehicle ignited sending flaming scrap metal across the field of battle. A sister with a melta gun ducked quickly back behind cover after connecting with her shot.
The explosion covered the space marines locked in combat with the jump pack mounted sisters. None of the marines or women flinched. Terminators and tactical marines battled fiercely with the Palatine commander of the sisters and two other women. A slash of a power sword meant to strike the Palatine was intercepted by the sergeant of the seraphim jump squad. The woman took the strike full in the chest and fell to the ground. Her sacrifice saved the life of her commander.
The bastion shook from several blasts coming from far off past the strong point.
“Heavy weapons squad targeting the bastion. A mechanical voice sounded across the intercom.
“Chimera Bravo, target that squad and suppress that fire!” Freider commanded through his headset.
“Target acquired,” came the reply. The vehicles bolter and laser cannon opened fire at the target in the distance.
“Sir, more units of Inquisition forces approaching, it appears the space marines are falling back.”
“Try radio command and give them a status report,” shouted Freider over another explosion.
“Negative,” replied the guardsman, “comms to higher are fried in here, the signal won’t reach!”
“Grab the man portable vox, set the antennae up outside, we need to get through!” Freider grabbed a las pistol and followed his personnel guard through the exit.
Outside the gunfire had diminished, the sky was heavy with black smoke from burning vehicles and equipment. More deep red rhinos were barreling into the area and women in dark red power armor were rushing about the field. There was an urgency in all they did, and they moved with unflinching determination when commanded.
Stanz looked to the middle of the field and saw the Sororita commander speaking with a fallen marine. A rhino rushed to her and a robed women leapt out and quickly scanned the woman. After exchanging words the robed woman tended to the space marine on the ground.
As the officer finished describing the battle he fell silent. His eyes cast a careful glance across the smoldering field. Sisters and their vehicles rushed about in a very orderly manner. The sun cast aside the night, the only shadows left the ones cast by the dark red rocks of the field. The absence of weapons firing was oddly calming. Freider knew the storm was far from over, this moment of peace was only the eye. After a time the receiver in his hand began to vibrate angrily.
“Freider, FREIDER!” The handset shouted.
Freider pressed the key to speak. “Sir, it was hell.”