
Shadow Wolves - SW - Godzilla Online

Well, over the years since I was 15-17 I searched the internet for old friends from a game we use to play together on GameStorm called Godzilla Online. It was a small group of gamers in the larger GameStorm community. I was befriended by some guys there and they were part of the clan SW, or Shadow Wolves. Two of the guys names I recall was Juggalo_SW and Quixzilla_SW. I will continue trying to find the rest of the guys, but in the event they might search for me or others, I am planting key words such as: SW, Shadow Wolves, Godzilla Online and Gamestorm, into this blog so maybe on the long shot it will appear in some Google or online search. If any of you guys are out there, its Hannibal_SW. Also some other buddies from the Godzilla Online community were Chrissy, SGT_Rock, and Mitsu.



Rysm said...

I hope you find your old friends. That would make your posting a brilliant use of the internet.

OmeneX said...

Wow Hannibal looks like your post wasn't in vain after all. It is me OmeneX_DR. Leader of DeathRoW. You know, your arch enemies on Godzilla Online who destroyed SW players all the time? :P Along with OZ and SW. We 3 clans were the big ones on this game. Man I loved Godzilla and miss it to this very day! Your somewhat in luck because I still keep up with a few of the old Godzilla players. I still can't find SGT_Rock but I've came close. And I actually have Carly (who knows Chrissy & Subuff) on Facebook. Get me on email so we can talk more! Miss GO lots my brotha!

Rafe said...

Wow, freaking awesome! I can't tell you how bad ass this is that you found my post! I remember you guys always duking it out on Godzilla with us!! Those were some great times, the huge egg games that could go on for hours, the FFA's. I was hoping someone would find this post someday. I'd love to get in touch with some of the old guys! I use to talk to Chrissy some, but other than her I never bumped into anyone else. I kept using my HannibalSW tag everywhere online hoping someone might recognize it! I look forward to hearing from you! My email is Ralph.Beam@gmail.com, write me back with yours and I'll try to get on Facebook and maybe help you continue the search! Great talking to you!

OmeneX said...

Rock on Hann! I sent this link to a few GO players and showed my brother who went by the name of RancidSick_DR and you know what he said?

"I could go for a round of Eggs right about now"

And honestly man, I would pay in gold for just another long Egg match with all the old players, max out the head count and just enjoy the game like we used to.

I'll be getting to you on email! We gotta continue the search and at the very least find a way to keep us all in contact. Help would be great in that.

Be hearing from me soon brotha.

Rafe said...

After putting this post up, I went back in search of Godzilla online and even Gamestorm. I found out Mythic helped create it and I sent an email to them asking if it was possible to get a copy so I could set up a server for friends to play Godzilla Online. I never heard back from them, but now my efforts are renewed and I am going to keep writing until someone responds. If they say no, I'll keep writing till someone says yes!

Anonymous said...

OneRep here.

Yes, the #1 reporter that everyone saw at least once. Yes, I filmed most of the true GO followers deaths many times over. I miss this game as much as the rest of you. Just wanted you to know! Good luck getting that copy and let me know if you find anything. I will save this post and check back later.

OmeneX said...

Hey OneRep good to see that you got my link. It's so cool that we all are bumping into each other again! Any luck with finding anyone else man?

Nookie_DR said...

Nookie_DR here, wow its been so long I really had to question myself on the DR part. I do remember though "Death Row" was the name of the clan. I very faintly remember RancidSick_DR and cant remember anyone else in the clan. I do remember the big names though. Have you guys heard about the new Magestorm server comming out? Player ran... it has a huge fucking following. Check it out, just search "magestorm" i think its the second link down off google.


OmeneX said...

Hey Nookie! OmeneX_DR here. Rancid said what's up man! You have XBL or anything? We can get our game on some time soon. My Gamertag is OmenexT and Rancid is. Rancidsick (I believe) lol. If you add me I can send you his exact gamertag man.

Threelions said...

DynamO_SW here.

Over the years I would try to search the internet for some type of Godzilla Online news. Its a real shame they stopped the service since we had a pretty strong community. I still have my GameStorm CD in my closet. Its great that after all this time there are individuals who still want to play as much as I do.

Thanks for making this post!

Hope you are all well. Happy Holidays.

OmeneX said...


What I wouldn't pay for just a copy of that Gamestorm CD. I really want that old soldier death scream. Nostalgic for it!

Can I bother you for a copy?

Happy holidays to you and your's to. All we need now is someone from OZ to post. That is if our Rival Clans didn't stomp them into the turf.

Lol, look at me, getting the old blood churning. Hehe. :D

Threelions said...

No problem, give me a week and I'll have it for you.

Rafe said...

Hey DynamO!! Great to hear from you! That is so damn cool you still have a copy of the Gamestorm CD. Nookie mentioned they are trying to get a player run Magestorm up! I don't see why we can't try to do that for Godzilla online. I emailed Mythic again with no luck on hearing back. Maybe I'll talk to the Magestorm fellas and see how they are managing to get it up and running. Great to hear from you guys!! Hopefully this attracts more people. Maybe I should make a site dedicated to reuniting Godzilla Online people. I'll figure something out over the holidays!

Obtusitivity said...

wow. Talk about random. I was actually chatting w/ Smart / Newster this evening and got thinking about gamestorm and GO. So I google it and here we are (I've googled it before and never found anything, so this was a trip).

It's pretty amazing that 10 years later people (granted, very few) people still remember and / or care enough to toss up something like this re: A Clan I started in a web-based isometric shooter :) Awesome:

PS - DeathRow was a fucking joke, and always will be.


Anonymous said...

Smart_SW/Newster_SW Checking in... alive and well.... Ain't this a thing? Shadow Wolves don't die... They just get a bit grey....

OmeneX said...

Ah Ha! The old clam rivalry. It's on now!

Someone hurry and get GO back up and running, so I can rapid rocket Bandito into oblivion. Again.

OmeneX_DR - DeathRoW 4 Life

PS. On a lighter note. It's great to see Bandito and you both doing well. Newster if I recall is the one who got me and Rancid to even play the game from a trial run. Aswell he showed Rancid the Rapid Rocket. Which was refined and perfected to a unique method for members of DR. We had guides on our website lol.

Miss the game and miss all of yall. Where's SGT Rock?

JuGGaLo_SW <-- i lol at this now said...

HOLY SHIT. guys. its jugg. lol. i am so embarassed by the fact that i ever even remotely liked ICP enough to name myself after them. NEWS! HANNIBAL!!! OMG! I am literally sweating. Guys, add me on facebook, just search for David Louis Voerman, thats my real name. I cant stress how much i am freaking out about this right now.

and btw, death row was totally a joke. also, rice lags!!!

Masawoowoo said...



Rafe said...

JUGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I can't believe you finally found this and replied!! You were the man that recruited me and got me into the Shadow Wolves!! I still remember the site you made with profiles on some of the SW members!! Dude, I can't believe it! I'm going to add you on Facebook right after this!!

All of you guys rock for finding this!! I am going to make a more recent post and add everyones names, sort of like a rollcall! I am thinking about making a website dedicated to the old Godzilla crews. Maybe from there we can get a freaking copy of the game and set a player run server up!!

Man, Jugg, so freakin awesome!! You were the first person I thought of trying to find when I posted this! So great to hear from you!

Juggalo_sw still embarassed about the old name =P said...

yeah man. its so weird that i caught this, because i dont even have internet right now. im at my cousins place and bandido had sent me a myspace message linking it. freak damn chance, man.

and yeah, i remember recruiting you, teaching you how to play, and then you kicking my ass =P

couple questions.

anyone remember Hellwo_GW? and his LaBtop? that guy was hilarious.

Quix. where is he? anyone still talk to him? i know him and news hung out in the real world, heh...

Fangborn. me and him were two of the last Sw members still playing when the game died off. we actually ended the clan together.

SilentDM. the second in command. anyone got news on him?

anyone else i'm forgetting? i'm sure there is. lets find them.

i really am freaking out about this.i hope we can set up a GO server, id play my ass off and laugh at how shitty the graphics are. i bet i'd still suck at zillas, too.

hit me up guys!

Jugg, again. i hate icp. just for the record. said...

sorry to get post crazy but i forgot to shout out to onerep and omenex!


Obtusitivity said...

...I'm having a hard time remembering the clan that we had the actual rivalry with (not the DeathRow, they were a bunch of poseurs...)

Don't forget SilentDoom & Fangburn btw.

(Who was the dickface that pulled the coup on me that one time..I can't remember his fucking name...)

OmeneX said...

Where is Fangburn? He's was my bro, he got me to watch Hardboiled for the first time many years ago. Love that movie.

And SW did have a rivalry with DR. Infamy for DR seems to have carried well after all these years. :)

Being the biggest clan does that. The 3 major Clans were DR - SW - OZ. I remember the good ol' days of hour long egg matches.

Wish the game was back right now. All this talk about DR has my trigger finger itching again. Besides looks like I need backup! lol

juan rombado said...

Hey, i have the same interest about finding the people from GO. I was Cranny and Foxzilla, and became a part of Deathrow (DR). I remember how long it took just to reach lvl 3, and how the scientist class would collect samples from the godzilla corpses haha. I loved that time in my life and i wish i could play that game again. I use to talk to Crissy and SGT_rock on there, i remember they were the highest level players on there...GODD TIMES

juan rombado said...

I actually still ahve the Game storm CD, here ill upload it for all to see :)

Also another name i played on a lot was Pimp_3k which i stole from some guy named pimp_2k ;)

I remember there was one guy we used to call eachother bros all the time, i cant remember his name for the life of me though, only that at one point he briefly used the name "Korn" like the band.

Other good games on GS: Silent death, Warcraft 2, Legal Crime <3

LOL @ "The FUTURE of games is online!"

juan rombado said...

woops forgot the pics, here ya go:



LOL, i put the cd in but its so outdated that the application software isnt even compatible with windows 7. That means that even if Mystic would give you guys a copy of the game, it wouldnt run. It needs to be altered which means someone has to do the work...and ill bank that Mystic isnt about to do any legwork for us remnants. Hopefully one of you is a good programmer ;)

Tak3r "Aliens Online" said...

Although I was very very young and don't even remember what name I used to play on GO. What I DO remember is a lot of good times had in that game. I spent a lot of time playing Aliens Online, but second up was Godzilla Online. It still bothers me today that Gamestorm was shut down prematurely and the games were basically buried forever. You can hardly find any information about any of the games minus Magestorm and that is because Mythic continued play after GS was shut down and just recently someone had a working server emulator up for Magestorm.

ANYWAYS, though you don't remember me. Your names are forever burnt into my memory. I have been trying to fill out the wiki pages on www.giantbomb.com for some older Gamestorm games, GO being one of them. I have in fact as of today been able to extract the files from the .exe on my gamestorm CD and run it in offline mode on my XP machine. While nostalgia is high, it doesn't run the best for me. But who cares really, I am remembering times from the past. If you are all interested I can see what I can do to make up some instructions on what to do.

Also, if you wouldn't mind. Please help me fill out some of the game pages on Giantbomb. They really are needing some love and there are only so many of us out there that can provide that info. Atleast do it for the Godzilla Online page. ;)

Archibald_SW said...

OMG I remember all you guys, I was in SW too. My scientists name was Archibald_SW. Aww man, I used to love being baby godzilla and eating all those fish. I wish I could play again. There is almost no record of it anywhere. I play World of Warcraft now... Jonathan K. Smith if you're looking me up on facebook. We should have a Shadow wolf group.

OmeneX said...

Hey hey Archibald. Yeah remember you dude. Fish market games where so good. Egg games could go for hours. I wish we could play it again someday.. but man probably never will. But it's sweet that so many of us still remember the game and wish it would come back.

Khdafi_DR said...

I looked to info on GO and somehow got to a very old page that had mythic ceo mark jacobs office phone number listed on it, I was so tempted to call and plead our case for its return. Still might now that I know id have people to kill again.

Creature said...

Hey I kinda put this on another blog post as well, and I just joined the FB group. I really miss the community from playing GO. My name on there was creature_wp and I vividly remember Chrissy, Subbuff, Kittykat, and RVD among a few others. I'd love to hear from anyone and be kept in the loop if anything is going on. Feel free to e-mail me at weaintvampires@aol.com

Juggalo_SW said...

I'm still checking this blog. I still just want to play at least one more fuckin match of GO.... one last time